Tina Perisutti
Studied Philosophy & Group Dynamics and Applied Cultural Studies at the University of Klagenfurt, scholarship abroad: Uni Roma Tre Tor Vergata.
Member/one of two chairwomen of the art and theory group Philosophical Versuchsreihen
Experience in cultural work:
Project assistant at the UNIKUM University Cultural Centre
Project management, public relations, dramaturgy, graphics for the klagenfurter ensemble
Project management and curating at Carinthischer Sommer
Juror at the Monobene Festival, Theater-Allianz Prize, among others
currently working as:
Cultural journalist mainly for Kronen Zeitung, Landeskulturzeitung Brücke and cultural director of the street newspaper “Kärntner Allgemeine Zeitung” kaz.
Lecturer at the University of Klagenfurt
Coaching for various cultural projects, hosting and facilitation, artists’ talks
Curator for culture at the DOMENIG STEINHAUS, conception and realisation of the performance series “Under de-Construction”